144 Tasman Road, Ōtaki, New Zealand 5512

Phone 0800 WANANGA

The Balance Destroyed

Cost: $50.00
Ani Mikaere
With images by Robyn Kahukiwa

A popular view of Māori society is that it is inherently sexist, it excludes women’s voices and it values women less than men. In clear and powerful prose, Ani Mikaere presents her understanding of gender relationships before colonisation, and the effects of colonisation on these relationships. She explores Māori cosmogony; discusses the celebration of female sexuality; provides evidence of women as leaders, experts and repositories of knowledge; and offers a formidable critique showing that it is colonisation that has destroyed the balance between male and female in Māori society. This highly anticipated edition of The Balance Destroyed features a new preface by Ani Mikaere, and thought provoking images by award-winning artist Robyn Kahukiwa.

Released: 2017

If you’d like to purchase a copy, please order via shopify https://tetakupu.wananga.com/

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